Jumat, 01 Mei 2015

English Paper Trader of Soy Milk


1.     Purpose
            The business world today are manifold. Starting from small businesses, medium to large. In addition, the products offered are also diverse. Ranging from basic materials, food and beverage, services, and other.
            If you want to start a business even with a small capital, we can do it. One example is hawkers, with small capital can fairly lucrative income.  Moreover, if the vendors selling food and drinks, the flow velocity of money very quickly. Let's take the example of the sale of soy milk, healthy and cheaply products. This will be discussed together.

2.     Formula
1.      What your motivation for opening this business?
2.      How much your equity to begin this business?
3.      What kind of product do you sell?
4.      How much income your receive in a month?
5.      How much profit from your business?
6.      How your strategy for market product and development business?


Name                           : Ummu Haidar
Addres                                   : Tambun Selatan, Bekasi
Type of  business        : Drink
Name of business        : Soy milk

Ummu Haidar, a housewife aged 38 years old with a high entrepreneurial spirit. She start business soy milk because of economic necessity and her family likes to drink  soy milk.  Initially, she began to produce and sell as much as 50 plastic/day. After some time later, due to the increased demand, on average, she was able to produce and sell 100 plastic.
            To develop the business that she wrestled, then Ummu Haidar cooperate with traders in other places with a consignment system, where benefit proceeds divided by two. Another trader gets a profit of Rp 200,- while Ummu Haidar Rp 660,-. Each plastic valued Rp 800,- for the consignment system, whereas if Ummu Haidar sell directly to consumers priced at Rp 1.000,-. With the development of the business she did today, then Ummu Haidar was able to sell 200 plastic each  day. Gains derived from the sale of both systems reach Rp 3.360.000,-/month. In addition to the system consignment and sale of its own, sometimes Ummu Haidar had orders for soy milk in a certain amount (about 50 plastic) from loyal customers.

            Variants of the products offered in the form of the original flavor of soy milk in warm and cold. Because there are some consumers who do not like the smell of 'langu' typical soy, Ummu Haidar anticipated by distill sari of soy milk 3 times. It does not diminish the taste of soy milk, but adding milk delicacy. That is what distinguishes Ummu Haidar artificial soy milk with soy milk other artificial. For consumers who want to enjoy another soy milk, Ummu Haidar also provide soy milk with a certain lumpy, ranging from Rp 2,000, -
            For the ingredients is very easy to obtain. Just need soy, sugar, pandan leaves, salt, and water. The production process is not too complicated, but it requires perseverance and patience. Also, it is not fast, because it takes about 4 hours (in large quantities).


Cost Invetment
3 Pieces of pot                                                                                     Rp       200.000,-
A stove                                                                                                Rp       180.000,-
A blender                                                                                            Rp       250.000,-
A sieve                                                                                                Rp         10.000,-
A cup                                                                                                  Rp            5.000,-
A basin                                                                                                Rp          10.000,-
6 Pieces of toples                                                                                Rp          90.000,-
A  fridge                                                                                             Rp     2.000.000,-
A ladle                                                                                                Rp          10.000,-
A gas cylinder                                                                                     Rp        150.000,-
The amount of investation                                                                Rp      2.905.000,-

Variable Cost
1 ¼ Kg of soybean                                                                              Rp          15.000,-
( 1 kg: Rp 11.500,-  ¼ kg: 3.500,- )
2 ½ Kg of sugar                                                                                  Rp          31.000,-
( 1 kg: 12.000,- ½ kg: 7.000 )
Salt                                                                                                      Rp            1.000,-
3 Pieces of pandan leaves                                                                   Rp            1.000,-
1 Pack of rubber                                                                                  Rp            4.000,-
1 Pack of plastic size 7x20                                                                  Rp            9.000,-

The amount of variable cost                                                             Rp          61.000,-

Others Cost
Gas for one day                                                                                  Rp            5.500,-
( 1 cylinder for 4 days: Rp 22.000,- Rp 22.000/4 days)
Electricity for one day                                                                        Rp            1.500,-
( Estimation 45.000,-/month Rp 45.000,-/30 days)

The amount of others cost                                                                Rp            7.000,-

The amount of variable cost and others cost                                  Rp          68.000,-


1.     System Consignment
Soybean                                  Rp 100,-
Sugar                                       Rp 115,-
Plastic                                      Rp   45,-
Rubber                                    Rp   15,-
Cost gas and electricity           Rp   65,-

Total                                       Rp 340,-
Profit/plastic             = Sold price/plastic – Equity/plastic
                                                = Rp 800 - Rp 340
                                                = Rp 460,-

            Net profit/plastic        = Profit plastic x Sold items
                                                = Rp 460 x 100
                                                = Rp 46.000,-
Net profit/month       = Net profit/day x 30
                                                = Rp 46.000 x 30
                                                = Rp 1.380.000,-

2.     Sales of Its Own
Soybean                                  Rp 100,-
Sugar                                       Rp 115,-
Plastic                                      Rp   45,-
Rubber                                    Rp   15,-
Cost gas and electricity           Rp   65,-

Total                                       Rp 340,-

Profit/plastic             = Sold price/plastic – Equity/plastic
= Rp 1.000 - Rp 340
= Rp 660,-

Net profit/plastic        = Profit plastic x Sold items
= Rp 460 x 100
= Rp 66.000,-

Net profit/month       = Net profit/day x 30
= Rp 66.000 x 30
= Rp 1.980.000,-

The amount profit system consignment and sales of Its own = Rp 1.380.000 + Rp 1.980.000
      =  Rp 3.360.000,-

1.     Conclusition
            Soy milk biusiness is a promising business. With very minimal capital of Rp 68,000, - and cookware that can be found everyday, we can start. How to make it is also quite easy. In addition, the market prospect is very broad and promising. All consumers from the youth and the elderly very loved it. The advantage gained is also very tempting, Rp 1.380.000,- outside the consignment system is applied. Very precise, if Ummu Haidar a housewife in business like this. Beside getting income, family and household affairs continues to run well.

2.     Suggestion
            Because the broad market prospects and promising,  Ummu Haidar should add flavors in its products. Like the taste of strawberry, chocolate, and more. This is to avoid boredom consumers and avoid other competitors.

Note: Sebagai pemenuhan tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, penelitian dan wawancara pedagang kaki lima. Sumber gambar dari google.com, lu gak foto barang jualannya.


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